So, I have always been under the impression that because of my background in dance/gymnastics, this is the only way I can exercise. Weight lifting and stretching like I would in gymnastics, taking classes that cater to someone experienced in dance, and the occasional run for the wanna-be runner in me has basically been my exercise for the past 25 years.
Last night, I tried something new and scary: SPINNING. What a rush! I didn't even think I'd be able to stay on the bike, let alone actually get a workout. LET ME TELL YOU... I got a work out. My legs are screaming and I can barely walk up stairs.
But I'm pretty proud of my accomplishment...I got over my fear, admitted I may look dumb, but that trying something new was more important than how I looked or my insecurities. I'll definitely spin again. Probably not again this week, (because I won't be able to move) but I'll do it again sometime.
You should try something new about today?